Recently I went to visit my sister in Christchurch. As all of you know the events of this year have been devastating for everyone in the Christchurch area. Most of the businesses have had to convert their business into a home based business of find industrial areas in the outskirts of the Christchurch area. For a lucky few old CBD businesses the new shopping district in Cashel mall rebuilt of converted shipping containers. This is a beautiful new area just near the red zone that people can reclaim a sense of normalcy but also remember the fallen. One of the oldest businesses is Johnson's Grocers est 1911. Their new premises maybe much smaller and character lost but these men are still bringing fine foods to the masses.These handsom silver foxes were working faster than a CBD barista at 8am. Seriously the phone was ringing off the hook and there were two happy excited lines 4 persons deep. Their arms laden with worldly noshy delights. I was one of them. So was my hungry preggy Sis, LOL. They work it out old school, old paper bags with all the prices handwritten and information readily available on your choices. I definitely recommend it as a foodie lovers treat. What a treat to see a pheonix story.